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Professor Gwyn Beattie was invited to attend the Frontier Forum of Microbiology

来源: 责任编辑:hzau 发布:2017-09-18 点击量:

Core tips:On the morning of September  12, 2017, Professor Gwyn Beattie of Iowa State University, USA,  participated in the Frontier Forum on Microbiology organized by College  of Life Science and Technology, bringing the academic report entitled  "Impacts of light and water limitation on plant-microbe/microbiome  interactions".


Professor Gwyn Beattie made a wonderful report at the 73rd Forum on Microbiology

Professor Gwyn Beattie conduct academic exchanges with the students and teachers who participated in this report

Professor Gwyn Beattie, a tenured professor of  Iowa State University, USA, an expert in international plant-microbial  interaction, and a senior editor of Molecular Plant-Microbe  Interactions.She is a member of the Public Policy Committee  of the American College of Plant Pathology and published nearly 50  papers and monographs in PNAS, mBio, Annu Rev Phytopathol, Plant J and  other magazines.

In this report, Professor Gwyn Beattie focuses  on the effects of light and water constraints on the interaction between  plants and microbes / microbes. First , Professor Gwyn Beattie pointed  out that plants can trap and concentrate light, plant epidermal cells  can act like lenses and focus light , while the plant stems and roots  act as bundles of optical fibers that conduct light efficiently over  long distances. Then she introduced the role of light and bacteria  photosynthetic BphP1 and LOV proteins in regulating the movement of  bacteria in Pseudomonas syringae, respectively. Professor Gwyn Beattie  proposed two hypotheses:Plant-associated bacteria exploit light,and  particularly far-red light,as a signal;Repeated growth of plants under  drought stress enriches for microbial communities that contribute to  drought tolerance.She conclude that,genes related to water stress  tolerance are disproportionately induced by light and BphP1 and  water&light-response pathways are integrated.

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